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Beaut Year 11 School Photo. |
Dear 12 year old me,
You've just started your first year at Secondary School, to put it bluntly it's going to be an emotionally draining, rollercoaster ride and that's on a good day! But eventhough I came out alright, I survived, there are a few things I'd like to give you hints and tips on to make the school experience just that bit more bareable.
- It is NOTHING like Primary school, not everyone is your friend. Just because they said hello to you doesn't mean you're suddenly in their clique, oh god no. Those "popular" groups you secretly want to impress and be a part of, they don't last long by belittling everyone. By Year 9 the majority of your year group would have integrated a bit like High School Musical so they are virtually unheard of by Year 11. Concentrate on the real friends you have made.
- Do not do that dreadful Bebo chav pose when you make your profile. Honestly, it is not worth the stick or hype. You will definitely regret it. HAHA.
- Brands you wear do not define you as a person. Without sounding like a middle-aged woman, this isn't a fashion show no matter how much everyone makes it one. It's school, we all wear the same uniform just in different ways, BE COMFORTABLE. Do not splash out on an ugly Helly Hanson coat or Nike trainers that will apparently go out of fashion within a week. Trust me, Primark will open soon in Plymouth and 90% of girls in your year will be rocking £3 envelope bags that you can't fit anything into. (WHO REMEMBERS THOSE BEAUTIES?)
- I'm all for being yourself but girl invest in some tweezers and stop shaving your monobrow, you will soon regret it and end up spending the rest of your teens trying to even out your brows, I wish I was told this sooner!!
- Girl, foundation and lippy will change your life but please you are pale as a snowflake, you need to use 000 or 001, don't raid your mothers or use 3 different Miss Sporty liquid foundations, absolute no no! And don't get me started on that pastel-pink-mixed-with-foundation lip shade.
- Hair. Now everyone suffered with the last little bowt of headlice in the first year but to prevent this, use Full Marks Mousse and wash your hair frequently WITH conditioner. Also your natural hair colour is bland and it needs taking care of but here's a little spoiler; by the time you are 16 you will be that dream blonde you've wished for. Maybe even invest in the colour sooner to avoid the ginger stage.
- Be more outgoing. Stop being so insecure, it makes you an easy target. Be comfortable in your own skin and if you know the answer to a question, girl put that hand up high! If some girl starts on you, don't be a push over, you are more intelligent and worth a million of that little wannabe. Rise above it, these girls and boys are not intimidating at all, they are no different from you they just have a gob on them and think it's big and clever to disrupt a class. FYI it's not at all.
- Work hard. Doing all your homework, listening to the boring bits, even doing the "optional" classes will prove very beneficial in the future. Take every opportunity and choose your subjects wisely.
It's going to be okay. Life will give you obstacles and there will be rough times throughout but stick with your friends and be yourself and you can't go wrong. It's a long 5 years but it truely is the best days of your life so make the most of it.
20 year old Katie.
[Disclaimer: This is based on my experiences and lifestyle choices throughout school. All my own views and opinions.]
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