Monday 6 November 2017

Why Why Why?

Guilty, there's only two whys in this post...

Why I miss blogging.

Wow, it's been well over a year since I sat down and wrote out a post to publish. Sure I have a few drafts but honestly, with the lifestyle I've adapted to, I fell out of love of blogging. It became a bit too forced to me like I just had to post anything for the sake of posting but truthfully I just didn't know what I actually felt passionate about writing.

After a year full of constant change and hecticness that surrounded my life, I finally have a few days a week to sit down, relax and reflect on everything and whilst scrolling through Twitter there are so many bloggers that I still follow and their content is amazing and then I began to miss writing down how I felt.

I then started to use a notebook which admittedly helped satisfy my writing needs and it also helped me alot mentally, actually putting pen to paper and just venting for a few pages, really started to put my mind at ease because I find it difficult to express how I feel verbally, (unless of course it's to my mother!) and it was then I thought what if I just resume my blog?

Why I don't understand boys.

How do I even begin to explain my confusion with the opposite sex? As a female, I can put my hands up and admit us girls are hardwork. There's no denying that, especially when we know what we want and as much as we can be indecisive I'd like to think we are consistent with our work, our life and our feelings. Yeah, we have our ups and downs but ultimately we are honest and true to ourselves. I'm not talking on behalf of all guys but so far, all males that have entered my life, initially, seem sure of themselves, what they want and their carefree attitudes but their inconsistency is such a turn off and ultimately frustrating! One day they can act so into you, almost a little bit too clingy and then the next they do a complete 180 degree turn and go cold, distant and leave you feeling like you're the size of a peanut, as worthy as a round £1 coin. And yet, they seem so oblivious to how they actually are making you feel then resume talking to you days later and because we are all suckers for a little bit of attention, we somehow have short-term memory loss until the next time it happens! It's a vicious cycle until the conversation and any kind of relationship you had dies completely. 

Why is this generation's dating system so fucked up and complicated? Surely if you like eachother you like eachother, if you don't you don't. Call me old fashioned but bring back the days where my parents met and 6 weeks later moved in together. Skip forward 34 years and they are still very much inlove. 

Things were alot more consistent back then!

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