Tuesday 21 November 2017

How I Fake Confidence

When it comes to my job there's no hiding, you have to be confident and outgoing to make an impression on those thousands of guests who pay good dollar to be on holiday, after all, they're after the high quality service. However, anyone who really knows me would have gone through this life journey with me and in actual fact most of the time, it's a total facade. I'm self-conscious, anxious and often quiet around new people. That's right people, I'm a total fake but I'm going to let you into the secrets of how exactly I completely blag my way through life.

  • Make an effort with yourself. This is such a materialistic way to start but I believe that if you take that little bit of time to do your hair and make-up and even tan yourself up, you're already half way there because looking good makes you feel good. Am I right? Not many girls can say they feel 100% confident with their hair in a top knot, joggers on and Au Natural.

  • Put on your favourite outfit. Of course this applies if you don't have work or a uniform but even so just style it to suit you with your favourite accessories. You can tell when someone feels comfortable in and enjoys what they're wearing as apposed to over-dressing or wearing something not your style, you aren't fooling anyone we know you feel awkward and conscious. Of course I'm all for taking risks but ensure you feel happy before stepping foot in public.

  • Walk with your head up. Put that phone away for a change, we all are guilty of clinging onto it as a safety guard to avoid awkward eye contact or conversations but when you look and feel good, show that off. People may disagree that they hate being noticed but walking past someone with your head up will make them take a second look, you look more approachable and I don't know about you but knowing someones acknowledged you or your effort will boost your confidence that extra step.  

  • Smile. This fits in with my previous tip. As much as you think your resting bitch face is doing you favours, it doesn't. Simply smiling to whoever you walk past, whether they smile back or not will actually also put the other person in a good mood aswell. After all, smiles are infectious. The only downside is I'm so used to smiling in my job that when I'm that friendly out of uniform I get a few odd looks but trust me, it works.

  • Don't overthink. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone that 9 times out of 10 we rehearse what we want to say in our heads beforehand even if it's for an appointment, a phone call or what you're ordering for dinner. But sometimes it's beneficial to drop that filter in everyday life. Letting your words run free tends to reflect more of your personality even if you are a bit shy. Say something cheeky, be sarcastic, make a joke because actually you will have more of an impression on that person (good or bad) that if you kept your mouth shut. Obviously this is only to an extent, don't be inappropriate or rude and know when to be quiet (word vomit is a genuine disease for me) but it definitely helps the conversation flow that little bit more.

And that is pretty much it. I hope this will help you fake confidence as much as it does me. Of course, there are days I do none of the above but trust me, all this tips will have an impact on your confidence overall, you just have to take a chance and embrace it.

Love Pook x 


  1. I loved this post!! There are so elements that can make up someone's confidence and you hit each one perfectly. Thanks for sharing! Xo

  2. I love this. Fake confidence will eventually turn into real confidence, just give it time!
