Friday 26 January 2018

Organisation Is Key.

Do you know my favourite thing about a new year beginning? The excuse to buy a diary. Now I don't know if it's just me but I must buy at least 10 notebooks throughout a calendar year and matching stationary in an attempt to look like I've got my shit together but in reality I soon lose interest and I just end up with a pile of half used bits of paper and pens coming out my ears. 
I always have the ideal scenario in my head aswell that when I'm out and about, on a train or bus that I'd be sat jotting down ideas whether it's for blogposts, planning appointments or shopping lists when the majority of the time I have my headphones in trying to conceal my inner Beyonce. 
But here's Take 235 of organising Katie Pook's life and this is how I'm going to do it.

Buying an visually pleasing Diary. The obvious first step but as someone who loves colours and pretty things, these bog standard doctors appointment style books just does not cut it. It does not give me the motivation to plan at all however on the other hand I'm too coward to spend too much just incase I don't stick to my word and add to my unwanted collection. I was delighted when I found this cute diary in Poundland with a pink and teal palm tree design. What's great about this is the plastic overlay too because this weather defintiely isn't paper friendly and in the past my notebooks have gotten water damage when the heavens open and who wants soggy notes? Eurgh.

Being aware of significant dates. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Working Hours. Keeping an actual record of these instead of guessing or relying on Facebook will allow me to not only plan for these days but also give the illusion I'm well prepared without worrying last minute and having to send a Moon Pig card or rushing to get to work. It is so easy to lose track of days working in a seasonal job so it will just give me a bit of a reality check. I've written in upcoming breaks to also mentally prepare myself what level of work I'll be doing. 

Having things to look forward to. Scheduling in compulsary days like above will leave space for freetime and although I love having my downtime, nothing compares to the feeling when you know an event is coming up that you're excited for. Currently other than my birthday, I have no plans for 2018 but I think it's vital especially in the type of career I am in, to take a break, go on holiday, go to a festival. This is a major motivational tool to have something to work towards, counting down the days. As much as you don't want to wish your life away, sometimes that excitement can get you through the toughest times. And of course, a more exciting life means more exciting content to post about!

Discover Inspiration. As corny as it sounds, in terms of blogging there is inspiration all around us and my goal is to know how to utilise that in my favour. Whether it's a guest who has made an impact in my day, a product I've come across, a distinctive smell perhaps? I need to open my mind a little more as I love blogging but can get caught in a rut pretty fast. I need to stop feeling so anxious about expressing my passion.

I want this year to count. I want to make an impact. I want to make myself proud and being organised is just the first hurdle.

Love, Katie x


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