Thursday, 7 January 2016

How Has The First 7 Days Of 2016 Treated You?

It's a week into the new year and some may say that's a little early for anything significant or important to happen but that my loves is where you are wrong.

These past 7 days has seen break-ups, make-ups, laughter, sadness and excitement. If this is anything to go by, 2016 is going to be a very bumpy, eventful year!

To be honest it's amazing how one moment, one second, one message can change everything. Very early on I've lost friends that I thought I meant something to but like I said just one message can prove that can change in an instant. Backstabbing and outright rudeness is not something I'm going to tolerate this year, but I'm taking a different approach to it. Yes of course confrontation is necessary just to find out the reasons for turning their back on me but I think life's too short to constantly argue, either they make the effort or I'm removing their toxic attitude from my life. This is a way of boosting my postive vibes this year.

However onto a more exciting happier note; my 21st is creeping closer and closer and guess what? I'm celebrating it in Dublin! I know I said my heart was set on Prague or Italy but it just was not practical for the short space of time we have. 

I've been to Dublin before and it's a very beautiful city and we're staying right in the centre where I'll be able to visit all the landmarks, go shopping and best of all, there is a nightclub attached to my hotel(!?) amazing. Also I haven't seen my best friend Soph who lives there in over 4 years so meeting up with her will be so lovely! You can definitely expect a detailed, blogpost on this trip this time next month!

So there we go 2-3 of my goals for 2016 have been actioned already in 7 DAYS and I hope the rest of the year helps me achieve so much more, and that's what my message is to everyone. Why wait? Just go for whatever you want, make changes in your life NOW, because there is no room for regrets anymore. However there is room for bad choices and those are what make the best stories to tell! 

Hope you all survived your first week back to work/college/school too!

Much love

Katie x

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